Sam Solomon is a designer, writer and entrepreneur in Atlanta, Georgia. Startups, design and education are the main topics he blogs about at Signal Tower, where he also interviews people engaging the startup life. He can be found on Twitter: @SignalTower.
Why did you create a Website of regular entries?
Writing helps me organize my thoughts, and makes me a better communicator. My most recent blog, Signal Tower, gives me a way to connect to those in the startup and design community.
What Web-based solution did you select and why?
Nothing beats WordPress when it comes to customization and community. I highly recommend it for serious bloggers.
What is your definition of a good blog?
The best blogs focus on content with high utility. Think about the type of articles you save. There is a good chance that it shows you how to do something. For example, I’m trying to learn JavaScript right now, so a good portion of my bookmarks are dedicated to tutorials.
What are three good blogs that you frequently visit?
Signal vs. Noise – Design and business insights from 37signals.
The Industry – Design news and insights.
A List Apart – The blog for people who build websites.
How do you create content for your blog?
I use the inverted pyramid for news, and like to post my interviews in question answer format.
Many of my other articles start as a list. I tend to pick one item from that list and start writing about it, then jump into the next item. This gives me a clear idea path to the end of the article.
How do you stay organized and motivated
to contribute to your blog?
Write when you are inspired. If I am inspired to write something, I’ll start working immediately. As a result, I’ll put together an article that is interesting, faster than I would have otherwise.
For those aspiring to make a Website composed
of regular thoughts and/or images, what is your advice?
The only way to get better at writing is to write. Unfortunately, you won’t be inspired all the time. I suggest setting a low goal, say one 200-word post a few days a week.
What is your quest in blogging?
It’s funny, I would say to become a better writer. However, the more I write, the more critical I am of my own work. I’d say that my quest is to help and encourage entrepreneurs and designers.
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Photograph courtesy of Sam Solomon.
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Blogger Sam Solomon joined The Starter League, a Chicago-based school that gives training to code, design and ship software. Hands-on mentorship is also a part of this school’s experience. Read the Interview with Jason Early, a mentor at The Starter League.
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Read more of the Design Feast series Blogger’s Quest(ionnaire).
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