December 27, 2020

Marketing Expert Anita Alkhimovich Goes with The Flow of Data

For a recent talk hosted by workforce accelerator Promotable, Anita Alkhimovich, a Senior Marketing Manager at software company LeaseAccelerator, unpacked the basics of data-driven marketing. From her point of view, broadly attracting customers is mere marketing. But attracting the most appropriate customers is done by minding data specifically related to consumers and customers, in this case, how they spend their attention to marketing messages among other pertinent areas. One of the straightforward assertions which Anita expressed was this insight:
“Nobody has time to read a lot of watery stuff about your product … nobody likes a sales, cheesy approach … everybody likes when it hits straight to the goal … you give water to a thirsty person.”
I appreciated the analogy between marketing and water. Both are fluid mediums: the former in its discipline, the latter in its nature. Data shares the quality of fluidity. Water is one of the best comparisons to the concept and reality of data. But Anita’s distinction, though applied to marketing, can be applied readily to the universe of data—and it makes a difference. “Watery” equates to shallow decision-making, where work lacks, even dismisses, the value of data. “Water” equates to the opposite process which is informed as much as possible—with data as a major input among a cast of other supplements.

Living through a pandemic escalates the necessity of data to better energize, organize and mobilize—as opposed to politicize—systems to help people. Flowing throughout these efforts is the evidential power of data collection, analysis and science. When it comes to the continual thirst for improved outcomes in business and across society, data is water—because it holds up.

Thanks again to Promotable who amplify their virtual workshops with talks organized regularly online! Explore their channel on YouTube.

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