Tweet icon designed by Adame Dahmani from The Noun Project collection
“Today, being able to continuously learn and share new knowledge
is as important as showing up on time was in the industrial economy.”
—Harold Jarche
Tweeted by @marciamarcia on March 31
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
—Eleanor Roosevelt
Tweeted by @ItsArcoh on March 29
“It’s time to build for fun.”
—Kevin Wang
Tweeted by @kphw on March 28
“Every sentence is an innovation.”
—John Cheever
Tweeted by @parisreview on March 28
“Writing teaches writing.”
—John McPhee
Tweeted by @parisreview on March 27
“Every now and then I get the impression
that people would rather react before they think.”
—Neil deGrasse Tyson
Tweeted by @neiltyson on March 26
“Be makers of things, not just consumers,
because our future depends on it.”
—Dave Perth
Tweeted by @creativemorning on March 26
“Bitterness: anger that forgot where it came from.”
—Alain de Botton
Tweeted by @alaindebotton on March 26
“If I were ever abducted by aliens, the first thing I’d ask
is whether they came from a planet where people also deny science.”
—Neil deGrasse Tyson
Tweeted by @neiltyson on March 24
“Invest your life in what you love.”
—Jessica Jackley
Tweeted by @creativemorning on March 24
“You can’t write notes in class and listen to the instructor
at the same time. I know you think you can. But you can’t.”
—Jeff Cohen
Tweeted by @jeffcohen on March 22
“Behind every great woman is like four or five even greater women
who she’s lucky to have around her.”
—Lara Hogan
Tweeted by @lara_hogan on March 22
“A niche is the intersection of an industry and a skill.”
—Robert W. Bly
Tweeted by @marciamarcia on March 22
“I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood
if you’re going to innovate.”
—Jeff Bezos
Tweeted by @ValaAfshar on March 21
“In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience
is a form of exploration.”
—Ansel Adams
Tweeted by @TheSchoolOfLife on March 21
“The more shame, the more clicks.
The more clicks, the more advertising.”
—Monica Lewinsky
Tweeted by @jenny8lee on March 19
“We accept that with innovation comes mistakes.”
—Tegan Martin-Drysdale
Tweeted by @creativemorning on March 19
“Imagine your healthy future self and start living that life now.
Break your journey down into little battles you can win.”
Tweeted by @TEDTalks on March 18
“The human body is made of 72% water and the rest is pure will.”
—Marie Louise Kold
Tweeted by @creativemorning on March 18
“Women make immeasurable contributions to our world.”
—President Obama
Tweeted by @BarackObama on March 8
“Writing is self-taught, completely.”
—James Salter
Tweeted by @portmagazine on March 7
“Have the bravery to find those people, put yourself out there,
and try to create work for them.”
—Christiaan Van Vuuren
Tweeted by @creativemorning on March 6
“There are three basic principles behind any well-designed product:
truth, humanity, and simplicity.”
—Sohrab Vossoughi
Tweeted by @swissmiss on March 2
• • •
See: Patronage series of duly discovered
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