April 4, 2012

Designer’s Quest(ionnaire): Multidisciplinary Designers Susan Murphy and Ana Kraš

Source: Susan Murphy

Designer Susan Murphy has “a design of a time” at Edenspiekermann, a creative agency in the Netherlands. She was featured by GOOD Magazine as part of their series “Designing Women: 25 Female Designers and Illustrators We Love” where one of her posters is in the spotlight.

Source: Ana Kraš

While exploring the Brooklyn-based style blog Secret Forts, I noticed the Ksilofon Clothing Rack. Its simple wooden construction and character led me to more work by furniture designer Ana Kraš, whose favorite material is wood1. She is also an avid photographer.

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The Designer’s Quest(ionnaire) is a Design Feast series that captures a designer’s perspective in a succinct format. Read the previous Designer’s Quest(ionnaire) answered by Graphic Designer and Typographer Elizabeth Carey Smith.

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