Since 1999, the interface design of Design Feast has changed but has mostly been confined to this layout and presentation which was the working foundation for its redesign:

And it remained a read-only site until now: comments can be submitted to each of the Designer’s Quest(ionnaire) which there’ll be more to hopefully arrive.
Big thanks to my Designer-Developer-Diva Megan Coleman for transforming the wireframes (sample below) into a live site, using Expression Engine. This satisfied another need reinforced over the years: a content management system. Looking forward to using it more to refresh the site with new information about creative voices and projects as much as possible.

Big thanks too for all the visitors and subscribers of Design Feast, and thanks in advance to the new people discovering Design Feast. Here’s to providing you with a regular serving of creative culture.
Read related posts:
- Interview about Design Feast with Adam Kallish of Trope Collaborative
- Interview about Design Feast with Joanne Molina of The Curated Object
Design Feast at design:related’s “sites we like”