November 3, 2010

Interface Details: Quipsologies, Square, Bertelli Bici, Fine Design Group

Self-expression—attitude, career, and “brand”—is a challenge through online typography, layout and writing. The following individuals and groups revealed their online selves in ways I found interesting with details which were unexpected, and sometimes blatant, in a no-frills straightforward way.

Quipsologies is the “daily stream” of found creative bits (“Quips”) within the “graphic design enterprise” known as UnderConsideration. The site was redesigned in the fall of 2010. In addition to the new typographic grid, colors—particularly the “Background Color Codes”—and the clear step-by-step form to submit Quips, a detail that grabbed my attention was the use of “chronicling”, versus curating, evident in the site’s one-line description:

Instead of using the typical Twitter button, the digital payment service and device known as Square states their Twitter handle, plain and simple, in their website navigation:

New York-based Francesco Bertelli, a designer and producer of custom bicycles, as well as a graphic designer and photographer, takes a different approach to his “About” section. He poses two contrasting lists which both speak as a concise, unified and unapologetic statement about his taste, which you’re either aligned to or not, when it comes to appreciating his bike style:

Instead of using the usual cue to “Sign up” for their newsletter, San Francisco-based design and communication firm Fine Design Group encourages people to “Befriend”:

I’m on the fence when creative license is taken to rename one’s profession. But on the promotional website for his book “A Practical Guide to Designing with Data”, Brian Suda calls himself an “informatician”: