Jeannette Ordas is a web designer, illustrator and co-founder, with her husband, of Matchbox Creative, a small web development and design studio based in Vancouver, BC. Adjacent to her business, she blogs at Everybody Likes Sandwiches, where she shares her experiences and recipes making great meals, “not just sandwiches.” She can be found on Twitter: @kickpleat (Why kickpleat?).
Why did you create a Website of regular entries?
I used to publish my own ’zine (a folded and stapled little number) that was full of personal stories along with music reviews and recipes. So when I stumbled upon Chocolate & Zucchini, it opened my eyeballs to a whole new medium. Originally, I started my food blog, Everybody Likes Sandwiches, as a way to help keep me inspired in the kitchen, so I wouldn’t get bored with eating the same thing over and over. But as I found my voice and niche—creating fresh food simply, I discovered a whole community of enthusiastic readers.
What Web-based solution did you select and why?
When I first started blogging in 2005, I used Blogger, because it seemed like the easiest platform, so that I could start up immediately. After a few years, I realized its limitations and made the move to WordPress.
What is your definition of a good blog
and what are three good blogs that you frequently visit?
For me a good blog can mean different things, it can be loaded with photos, if I’m looking for design inspiration, or just swooning over pretty objects. But I also like finding a connection with a blogger in terms of the stories they share. Print & Pattern is a great blog to see what’s going on in the world of surface design and illustration. A Sweet Spoonful has thoughtful writing and great recipes. Past Tense Vancouver helps me see the history in the shiny new city I call home (workspace below).

How do you create content for your blog?
With a food blog, it’s easy. I make a meal. I don’t set out to create a certain recipe for the blog, but if it’s a successful meal, then I want to share it with others. Making a meal is a creative process, but it’s more than that. A taste of something or a smell can open up a flood of memories that can take you back to a certain time or place. A meal can be the best story to tell.
How do you stay organized and motivated
to contribute to your blog?
Well, I don’t always succeed. Sometimes it’s difficult to write a post when I’ve got work piled up and other things that need to get done, but I always go back to blogging. I love how there’s such a great food blogging community, and I have some very dedicated and enthusiastic readers, so receiving comments and emails are always a great motivator that I’m doing something right.
For those aspiring to make a Website composed
of regular thoughts and/or images, what is your advice?
Write about something that makes you happy. If you feel passionate about something, your readers will feel it too. Also, you have to realize that you aren’t in a bubble—connect with other bloggers by leaving comments or getting together for meet-ups.
What is your quest in blogging?
To grow and become a stronger writer and work harder at taking better photos. I also want to show people that you don’t need fussy ingredients or complicated directions to make a great meal.
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Photographs courtesy of Jeannette Ordas.
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Read more of the Design Feast series Blogger’s Quest(ionnaire).
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